Welcome to Sunday Study Link-up! I am very excited about this (mostly because it will give me a place to stick talks that I want to remember to study on Sunday but also because you get to participate!).
Each Saturday, I am going to post a few links to some of the talks/articles/blog posts/scriptures that I read/found that week that I either read and want to share, or were shared with me and I want to read. These talks and articles will be gospel related. Most will be from lds.org, but they might also be from other places.
You get to share, too! Each Saturday, find the most recent Sunday Study link up and add your link in the linky tool at the bottom of the post.
Since I kind of have a thing with keeping the Sabbath day holy, I like to be armed with lots of good study material, so I don’t waste precious Sabbath study time (i.e., the kids’ nap time).
What should you link up?
1.) scriptures – link to the specific scripture at scriptures.lds.org
2.) talks/articles from Church magazines
3.) anything you can find searching on lds.org
4.) gospel related blog posts (try stuff from Women in the Scriptures, Diapers and Divinity, Scriptorium Blogorium, We Talk of Christ We Rejoice in Christ – there are lots of great blogs out there, just make sure the posts are gospel related)
5.) BYU/BYU-I/BYU-H devotional addresses, or Women’s Conference talks, or notes about talks from General Authorities
6.) anything else gospel related/Sunday appropriate reading material
7.) anything you wrote about your Sunday Study (add the button to your blog post!)
1.) scriptures – link to the specific scripture at scriptures.lds.org
2.) talks/articles from Church magazines
3.) anything you can find searching on lds.org
4.) gospel related blog posts (try stuff from Women in the Scriptures, Diapers and Divinity, Scriptorium Blogorium, We Talk of Christ We Rejoice in Christ – there are lots of great blogs out there, just make sure the posts are gospel related)
5.) BYU/BYU-I/BYU-H devotional addresses, or Women’s Conference talks, or notes about talks from General Authorities
6.) anything else gospel related/Sunday appropriate reading material
7.) anything you wrote about your Sunday Study (add the button to your blog post!)
I look forward to reading things you share!

<a href="http://delightinscripture.blogspot.com/search/label/Sunday%20Study" target="_blank" title="My Soul Delighteth"> <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Yq_gqB3eQqU/T0CFRH6GPpI/AAAAAAAASnY/zkBi5JRAToA/s128/newbutton.jpg" alt="My Soul Delighteth - Sunday Study Link Up" /></a>