Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Prolonged Absence

I am still alive, I promise!!

I have a few pieces going up at Real Intent here in the next little while, so keep an eye out for those. If you are itching for a good and faithful discussion, please please head over there and check out some of the great posts recently.

Some highlights -

Why I think We’re Having the Wrong Conversation

Bonnie writes, “And what did President Hinckley’s newly formed Church administration affirm? Eternal verities that have not ceased to cause contention and division within the church on cultural issues we keep bringing in from the world in the nearly two decades since. “Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” The words grate if you don’t want to hear them. Until we hear them peaceably as a Church, it’s unlikely more will come.”

Good, Better, Best is great, but what do you do with Best, Best, Best?

MSKeller writes, “I find that I have so many things that are pressing and all very important to different aspects of my life, there  simply isn’t enough time in the day / week/ year to accomplish them. If I leave out ALL of my want- to- dos even, there still isn’t enough time. How do you approach this trying dilemma?”

Integrating Young Women into Relief Society

Emily writes, “A few months ago, I was talking to a Young Women president about how the 17/18-year-old young women viewed their upcoming transitioning into Relief Society. I was shocked when she said not one of them wants to go, and they’ve all asked if somehow they could please just stay in Young Women!”

And if you want to read some more of me, keep checking in over there. I should have a post or two up soon. And I will return here to My Soul Delighteth in the near future as well.

Have you had any great online gospel discussion lately? Found any great blog posts? Feel free to share!